ain but a she thing  album version   remix   with juke box labelain but a she thing album version remix with juke box label

ain but a she thingain but a she thing

theda bara   thedabara   ain but a she thing   stylehivetheda bara thedabara ain but a she thing stylehive

quot ainquot ain

ain jain j

ain but a she thing  album version   remix   with juke box labelain but a she thing album version remix with juke box label

aint nothing but a thingaint nothing but a thing

ain but a sheain but a she

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the last thing she wanted wasthe last thing she wanted was

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but diana is 31yrs old amp  doingbut diana is 31yrs old amp doing

theda bara   thedabara   ain but a she thing   stylehivetheda bara thedabara ain but a she thing stylehive

age aint nothing but a numberage aint nothing but a number

aint nothin but a she thingaint nothin but a she thing

aint nothin but a she thing  salt n pepa aint nuthin but a she thingaint nothin but a she thing salt n pepa aint nuthin but a she thing

aint nothing but a she thingaint nothing but a she thing

aint nothin but a she thingaint nothin but a she thing

age aint nothing but a thingage aint nothing but a thing



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