she called herself quot dolores from da bronx quot  she had a twinkle in her eyeshe called herself quot dolores from da bronx quot she had a twinkle in her eye

she calls herself an explorershe calls herself an explorer

buzzly and his tree housebuzzly and his tree house

and so  13 years after sheand so 13 years after she

sources tell us dolores diedsources tell us dolores died

herself and the links familyherself and the links family

but luckily for him she killedbut luckily for him she killed

quot and she made the eyes out ofquot and she made the eyes out of

she always was and still is a teacher  sr  dolores started as a second gradeshe always was and still is a teacher sr dolores started as a second grade

in 1955  she briefly signedin 1955 she briefly signed

dolores is now a size 12 anddolores is now a size 12 and

how did she get up therehow did she get up there

she reinvents herself asshe reinvents herself as

in 1955  she briefly signedin 1955 she briefly signed

i am sad to learn of doloresi am sad to learn of dolores

she goes to a stream andshe goes to a stream and

dolores and momdolores and mom

wiser   and she is unablewiser and she is unable

dr dolores moyano ontiverosdr dolores moyano ontiveros

shes come undoneshes come undone

she now speaks fluent spanishshe now speaks fluent spanish



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